Your time is limited. Focus on what people pay for.

Monetisation platform for creators.
And example of a successful deal
And example of a successful deal
And example of a successful deal
And example of a successful deal
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Forward Creatives
Forward Creatives
Forward Creatives
Fungujeme jako kombinace protikladů. Režisérské duo, co se dokonale doplňuje. Spojuje nás upřímná láska k tvoření.

Když aspoň 400 lidí
zaplatí 190 Kč do 31. 12. 2024,
my vám pustíme dokumentární film o Libereckém bazénu s názvem "MODRÁ A ČERVENÁ".
Nejpozději do 6. 1. 2025.
Pro neomezený počet lidí.
It’s deal!
494 sold
You can still buy this deal
Patrick Zandl
Patrick Zandl
Patrick Zandl
Zastupitel, publicista, vydavatel technologického newsletteru, ředitel Institutu Pí.

Když aspoň 80 lidí
zaplatí 200 Kč do 31. 10. 2024,
já dopíšu a pošlu vám eknihu Technoelity s podtitulem Když příliš málo určuje příliš mnoho.
Nejpozději do 15. 1. 2025.
Pro neomezený počet lidí.
It’s deal!
228 sold
You can still buy this deal

You can ...

prepare an online/offline workshop on the topic of…
organize a running race with refreshments along the track.
host a yoga weekend at a hotel…
organize a meet and greet …
record a behind-the-scenes just for you.
produce and send you our band hoodie
write a detailed analysis of how…
release our old single…
on vinyl.
attend the League of Legends finals and stream it for you.
record a podcast together with …. about ….
stream my playthrough of the game… for you.
perform a private concert for you.

How it works

Create if-then offer
in minutes.


Share it.

It’s up to you to get the word out. We give you great visuals.

Share it

If successful,
it's a deal!

If not, buyers get refunded.

You are a creator and you have your community.
We help you make sure that you give your time in projects that your community is willing to pay for.

We take care of


Creators keep 93% of revenues minus debit/credit card fees

Start your
in a few minutes

Start an

Need help?

How does it work?
If the required minimum is reached, creators get paid and are obliged to deliver what they promised. If the required minimum is not reached, buyers are refunded in full.
How much does it cost?

Creators keep 93% of revenues minus debit/credit card fees. We use Stripe to process payments and payouts, because Stripe, Inc. is one of the largest payment processors globally. Stripe keeps 1,5% fee + €0,25 for processsing your card payment.

If an ifdeal fails, we refund the money but lose Stripe fees, making it a financial loss. Successful ifdeals must cover the losses.

How are all money transactions processed?
We use Stripe to process payments, payouts, and refunds. Stripe, Inc. is one of the largest payment processors globally. Stripe verifies the identity of creators before they receive their payout.
When do we pay the creator?
We wait for the offer to end. At that point, we know the final total payout amount. After that, we wait 8 days to address any buyer complaints before issuing the payment order.